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- File Size 177.79 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date 18th October 2023
- Last Updated 13th January 2025
– E.L.M Academy will process a full or partial refund of fees when a course does not run as a result of a decision made by E.L.M Academy.
– If a student withdraws from a course before the first class takes place, a full refund of all fees will be given.
– If a student is actively attending classes and the academy closes permanently as a result of a decision by the Academy, a partial refund of fees will be granted. The refund will be calculated on various factors such as remaining time left on the course and costs incurred (i.e. registration costs, exams, etc.).
– If the wrong fee has been charged for a course by E.L.M Academy, the excess will be fully refunded.
E.L.M Academy will not grant refunds under any other circumstances.